Saturday, July 11, 2015

Touch free soap dispenser review


Touch Free Soap Dispenser Review

Hey guys! So I am talking about something that is really great today. I have just received something completely free to try courtesy of It's another website like and The only difference between this and those websites is that they give you bigger sized things to try. You have to have at least one hundred followers on twitter and at least one hundred friends on Facebook. After you pass that initial speed bump, you're good to go!

I got new glasses, thanks everyone for noticing! But above is a picture of me with this product. I really did not know what to expect with this. There appeared to be no instructions on what to do with this product. luckily, I figured it out because I found the actual instructions. It's a really cool shape, and I enjoy it. 

This is the front of the box. I'm not one for crazy designs, so this is perfect. Very straightforward and simple, like the name of the product. If you can see the upper left hand corner of the display, the color of the tip is not silver. When turned on, it glows purple or blue ish and dispenses the perfect amount of soap. 

As you can all see, I tried to recreate the picture on the back of the box. It takes four triple A batteries. If anyone is interested in purchasing this product, you can always order it on for $35. Anyways, that's about all for now. Next time I will be talking about some sort of item that I received! Tune in next time!! :) Also, I think it would be very beneficial if you join Tomoson today!! It's really fun!! Thanks. :) Have a great day!

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