Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fridge Deodorizer Review

Fridge Deodorizer Review

  Hey guys! So I am talking about something that is really great today. I have just received something completely free to try courtesy of It's another website like and The only difference between this and those websites is that they give you bigger sized things to try. You have to have at least one hundred followers on twitter and at least one hundred friends on Facebook. After you pass that initial speed bump, you're good to go!

I took this picture a decent time ago, but I never got around to writing the review. I am still using this product to this day, so that must mean it worked somehow! Just kidding. I really like this product. I have high regards for this product, and I don't think that there is anything wrong with this. My fridge smelled like a typical college student's fridge. The saganofresh refrigerator deodorizer was perfect for my issue, so I decided to give it a try. It really worked wonders and does not smell at all anymore. I love it!

I know that there wasn't much in my fridge, but shortly after I took this picture, I received a ton of pizza and veggie trays. That sounds like more than enough food to make the fridge smell gross. But the first picture is a picture of the product, but there is no back picture due to the fact that both sides have the same picture. It may be small, but it's very effective in freeing the air of smelly stuff! If you are interested in buying this product, you can visit Eight dollars is such a small price to pay for such an effective product!

Anyways, that's about all for now. Next time I will be talking about some sort of item that I received! Tune in next time!! :) Also, I think it would be very beneficial if you join Tomoson today!! It's really fun!! Thanks. :) Have a great day!

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