Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Shoe and foot deodorizer Review

Shoe and Foot Deodorizer Review

  Hey guys! So I am talking about something that is really great today. I have just received something completely free to try courtesy of It's another website like and The only difference between this and those websites is that they give you bigger sized things to try. You have to have at least one hundred followers on twitter and at least one hundred friends on Facebook. After you pass that initial speed bump, you're good to go!

So as you guys can see, I dyed my hair. I wanted and needed a change, so I went for it! Above is not something that I usually review, but I thought I would give it a shot. This is obviously a fairly small bottle, but it does an enormous amount of help. It's from a company that seems very fancy considering the name. The name of the company is Amare Terra. I know that terra means earth which is very smart of them.

That is the front and back of the shoe and foot deodorizer. It smells like lemons which is really weird because I've never seen a product like this. It also makes my feet smell like lemons. The reason why the second part of the company is named terra and that's really great. Like I said before, terra means earth and all of the ingredients in the shoe and foot deodorizer are completely natural and come from the earth. I will insert the youtube video at the end of this blog, but it pretty much says everything that I have said in this blog. Before I do that, however you can purchase this amazing product on

Anyways, that's about all for now. Next time I will be talking about some sort of item that I received! Tune in next time!! :) Also, I think it would be very beneficial if you join Tomoson today!! It's really fun!! Thanks. :) Have a great day!

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