Sunday, January 4, 2015

Garcinia Cambogia Review

Garcinia Cambogia Review
By: Hannah Feldman

Hey guys! So I am talking about something that is really great today. I have just received something completely free to try courtesy of It's another website like and The only difference between this and those websites is that they give you bigger sized things to try. You have to have at least one hundred followers on twitter and at least one hundred friends on facebook. After you pass that initial speed bump, you're good to go!

 From the website that I just talked about above, I had received a cleanse from Tomoson. I don't know if you guys are aware, but I am a fairly skinny female, so if I took any type of diet pills, I would waste away to nothing. Considering the fact that I could not possibly take these pills, I asked around to see if anyone wanted free diet pills. My older brother offered that he had the inclination to lose weight, so I had them sent to his house halfway across the country.

To start off, I did this because I love to blog about things. It doesn't matter if I can use that object or not. So if I can't use the thing that they're sending me, why not give it to someone who will and ask them what they felt about it? Sounds highly logical.

So I had the items sent to him, and this is what came in the package. There was a slender cleanse advanced and the Garcinia Cambogia Cleanse. My brother loved both of these pill containers and he is still using them right now. He has lost approximately seven pounds in the past couple days. I think that's really impressive considering the fact that these are all natural pills that are really great for your digestive system. 

Although these pills seem super handy for those people wishing to gain weight, keep in mind that it IS a colon cleanse. For those of you that have no idea what that means, it means that you will poop A LOT. My brother has been regularly pooping since starting these pills, but that is normal because of what these pills suggest.

My older brother highly recommends these pills for any of you thinking of losing weight. It's a perfect weight loss cleanse/ system that everyone should think of trying. Also, I think it would be very beneficial if you join tomoson today!! It's really fun!!

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